Sunday 9 February 2020

Visiting all 45 DLR stations

This weekend I embarked upon the challenge to visit all 45 stations on the Docklands Light Railway. Opening in 1987, the DLR was originally built to serve the redevelopment in the Docklands area, predominantly centered around the Isle of Dogs. Since then, the DLR has grown across East London to reach Stratford, Lewisham, Beckton and Woolwich Arsenal. Now with 45 stations I decided it was time to visit every station in one challenge.

Although this challenge was inspired by a recent Geoff Marshall video, I have always been fascinated by the DLR and wanted to complete this challenge for a while. Geoff completed his challenge 2 hours, 3 minutes and 8 seconds, could I better his time?

Where to start the East London adventure? 
I actually live 5 minutes away from a DLR station, however, I could not factor in a route that could incorporate starting or finishing here without seriously double backing on myself. To avoid double backing on my myself too much, it was obvious I needed to start at a terminating station; Bank, Tower Gateway, Stratford, Stratford International, Lewisham, Beckton or Woolwich Arsenal. As I will discuss, to complete this challenge as quickly as possible, other forms of public transport between branches needs to be considered.

My options between branches were; south eastern railway between Woolwich Arsenal and Lewisham, the 474 bus between King George V and Bectkon or Tower Gateway to Bank via. DLR or District Line from Tower Gateway. As the 474 bus required going back on myself and factored in traffic levels, I decided to try using south eastern. The plan was to start at Tower Gateway to tick off the two city stations; Tower Gateway and Bank, then head all the way to Woolwich Arsenal.

Circle and District line chaos
In hindsight, it was a mistake to attempt this challenge on a weekend when the Circle and District lines are closed. Starting at Tower Gateway, I traveled east to Shadwell before changing back on myself towards Bank. If the District line was working I would have started at Shadwell, traveled to Tower Gateway to get the District line at Tower Hill one stop to Monument, then get the DLR at Bank. It took 18 minutes to complete the first section of my journey, I suspect the alternative of using the tube would have been quicker.

Once on the train at Bank, I could stay on the train until the terminus at Woolwich Arsenal. This section took just under half an hour. This section was important as I ticked off the two stations of Blackwall and East India which are between Poplar and Canning Town. I knew I had to travel through Poplar and Canning Town twice, so it was good I did not need to back on myself to travel to Blackwall and East India.

Southeastern - precision timing required
To complete this challenge in a respectable time, it was important to time arriving on the DLR at Woolwich Arsenal with the Southeastern train from the national rail platforms. Southeastern trains are every half an hour towards Lewisham. My DLR train arrived 12 minutes before the Southeastern train. I could have got a DLR train that arrived at Woolwich Arsenal 8 minutes or 2 minutes before the Southeastern train. Another lesson learnt here, I do not believe I had enough time to make the train by arriving with just 2 minutes, but 8 minutes would have been ample time. 

Arriving on time, I boarded the 14:00 Southeastern train and arrived at Lewisham in just 13 minutes, 3 minutes earlier than timetabled. I missed a DLR train at Lewisham by seconds, however, as I arrived early I did not plan to use the missed train. I had planned to board the 14:23 train at Lewisham, but due to arriving early I boarded the 14:18. At this stage I was a train up on my schedule.

The heart of the DLR
Why do I love the DLR so much? Is it because of the driver less trains and you can pretend you are driving the train? Or how important it is as a transport link in East London? And being above ground for the majority of the network? It is all of these reasons. Boarding the train at Lewisham it was the first time I was fortunate to sit at the front of the train, perfect for the spectacular views on the Isle of Dogs, winding in and out of sky scrappers and high rise flats. 

By the time I got to Island Gardens, I was travelling on the heart of the DLR. When the DLR opened in 1987, there were just 15 stations, the majority on the section of the journey I just started. If I was trying to beat the record time of visiting all DLR stations, 1hr 53 mins 53 secs, I would not have completed this challenge during off-peak timetables. Because I embarked upon this challenge on a Saturday afternoon, I had to change trains at Canary Wharf, this could be avoidable as during peak times the DLR operates a train from Lewisham all the way to Stratford. It cost me 3 minutes by having to change trains. 

The most awkward station in the challenge
With any railway challenge there is always one slightly awkward station. On the tube it is Kensington (Olympia), the Overground it is Battersea Park, and on the DLR it is West India Quay. Most trains on the DLR stop at West India Quay, except trains from Bank to Lewisham. Therefore when planning my route I had to factor this potentially tricky station in. West India Quay is a station I have used many times. It is close to the new Crossrail Place, the Elizabeth line station and retail/leisure complex with an amazing roof garden. I also enjoy the restaurants and bars by the North Dock. No time for a drink, it was onto Stratford via my second visit to Poplar.

All down hill from here
I arrived at Poplar for the second time after 91 minutes. By this stage I have already established I did not need the 12 minute wait at Woolwich Arsenal, should have complete the challenge during peak times to avoid changing at Canary Wharf, and I should have waited a few weekends to avoid the Circle and District line closures, in order to achieve a respectable time, I did not need any other setbacks. Especially the emergency breaks coming on just after Bow Church. 

My schedule saw me arrive at Stratford just 3 minutes before a train to Stratford International. Although I was one train up as I arrived into Lewisham ahead of schedule, it did not help as trains from Stratford to Stratford International are every 10 minutes, and I actually had to wait 6 minutes for a train. I then arrived at Stratford International and had to wait 2 minutes for the train towards Woolwich Arsenal. This begged the question, could I have walked from the DLR platforms at Stratford, through the station and under the railway and tube tracks, and then around Westfield to Straford International in a quicker time than waiting for the 2 trains? I suspect yes. Although, boarding the train at Stratford International I knew I just need two more trains to complete the challenge.

The end was in sight
I visited Canning Town for the second time after ticking off the stations from Stratford International via. West Ham. This section of the DLR opened in time for the Olympic Games in 2011. My final train towards Beckton was a case of waiting for if my attempt was a respectable time. By the time I left Royal Victoria I knew I had not beaten Geoff's time, and I had another 7 stations to go. Travelling through Beckton Park, Cyprus and Gallions Reach I was watching the clock, hoping to beat the 2 and a half hour mark. I arrived at Beckton after visiting all 45 stations in 2 hours, 20 minutes and 33 seconds. A respectable time, but a time I know I can beat.

Lessons learnt
After spending an afternoon on the DLR, I actually forgot to take a photo at Beckton. The schedule I created should have seen me complete the challenge in 2 hours and 17 minutes, so I knew all along I was not going to beat Geoff's time or feature in the top 25 according to, however, I learnt a lot of lessons. Well mainly four:
  1. Why did I decide to complete this without the tube between Tower Gateway/Tower Hill and Bank?
  2. 8 minutes would have been enough at North Greenwich
  3. Take advantage of the peak service between Lewisham and Stratford
  4. Wasted too much time at Straford and Stratford International 
It is also worth pointing out that there are different routes that could be used to complete this challenge, would hoping between King George V to Beckton on the 474 bus been quicker? Perhaps there is less control with timetables compared to getting Southeastern, but it may save time? I will complete this challenge again, but for now, it was off to West India Quay to enjoy the bars by the North Dock. 

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