Thursday 15 August 2019

The Human Tube Map

On Sunday 4 August 2019 I, like 180+ other people, traveled to Crayford in south London to do something exciting and take part in the Human Tube Map. Organised by Geoff Marshall and Vicki Pipe, the duo behind All The Stations, nearly 200 people wearing different coloured T-Shirts arranged to form the shape of the tube map. The result was fantastic, and a lot of fun. The YouTube video can be found here

If you want to try and spot where I was standing, I was roughly where Tower Hill is and wearing a green t-shirt for the District line. We all got to chose which T-shirt we wanted to wear. Speaking to people on the day, many opted for the colour that represents their favourite line, or station, or the line they live on. The reason I chose green was simple, it was the only plain coloured T-shirt I own! 

Being part of the Human Tube Map was an enjoyable experience. After we arrived, we organised ourselves into our lines before being arranged out on the map, line by line. Central line was first, then the northern line, then Piccadilly line, circle and district lines followed (I can't remember the final pattern!). It was great to meet Geoff and Vicki and to see many people who I only know through Twitter and social media. 

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